andrew kap gravity of the cosmos

Thats negotiation. Even now, based on the conversation we had when I interviewed you, I still remember things that you told me that helped me make better decisions. Hes been featured on Yahoo multiple times for the same amazing thing. Your brain, your subconscious mind is the greatest supercomputer ever. Its definitely a ripple effect. I can go five minutes a day. We were doing this before I ever wrote the book. By that same token, through fixed mental patterns or whatever else that might be, a lot of us are holding it away from us. Give me some feedback on how the book has made a difference in your life. In this episode, I speak with entrepreneur and #1 best-selling author Andrew Kap. We have another great guest for an episode of the Publish. The reason I want to bring this up because besides the fact that we had your take on it and besides, heres this now this classic way, how do we apply this negotiation? For all their ego knows is, theyre going to get rich, and all of a sudden distant family is going to come out of the woodwork and sue them for their house. Maybe the first thing in the list is a present, followed by a past, followed by another past, followed by a future. Shes not a numbers person, she was freaking out, she thought that he was trying to screw her. Are they looking for an escape at this event? I appreciate that. We think about it as, If you win something, that means Im losing something. Versus it being an overall relationship and you cant win a relationship. When your customer service is actually a sales machine for you, your ability to deliver on a product is a sales machine for you because youre continually sending the message that youve made a good investment in me. Join in and learn how the Law of Attraction applies to negotiations and can change the way you negotiate for good. I think Ive certainly heard many different people reference their writing as art. Anything that you can, I guess, to include other people, have a partner, have a buddy, someone to help you and keep you accountable. Those precedents that work best for you in your negotiation, youre going to make those continue to happen. But PS, my goal is not that youre hooked on me, but that I give you everything that you need in that one call. Ill teach new methods. Andrew, thank you. Im in the best shape of my life, waking up happy and fulfilled. There are no rules. Im seeing you manifesting your success. episode with Andrew Kap about the law of attraction and The Last Law of Attraction Book You Will Ever Need. % You should take action. Thank you for sharing that with the audience. Maybe I can give myself permission and acknowledgment of like, I can articulate this in a way that will connect with people and that will hopefully help them. I went with it. He had a detailed spreadsheet, had access to the bank accounts, and all these things. Its a strategy. I hit this wall back in 2008, where even though I was doing this on the side, I was struggling with my business. All I know is that we as humans, dont downshift easily. Maybe theyre going to feel something off consciously where they can put words to it. Interesting. Negotiate that effectively now so it doesnt have a negative impact on you in the future so you can look back at what you did and your decisions with pride. Also, you dont even realize your subconscious mind behind the wheel and the cadence of your voice is different. Were not there quite yet but Im not going to complain one bit. Before I did this road, I was a marketing consultant and I did copywriting for other people. Were going to list all these things out in the present tense, where, if you read your list to someone else, a stranger, theyd have no idea what the truth was, what happened, whats going to happen. That goes beyond winning because you cant win in a relationship. Thats the formula right there. Its amazing. Shes all freaked out and we got them to the point where he essentially gave her everything. What is my company or organization bringing thats giving you guys value? Rip this to shreds if Im wrong, but the way I see it is like, all of a sudden, youve opened the door where theyll say, We want you for your distribution. Im like, Lets talk about that. And maybe the community could communicate the missions better, maybe they couldnt. If anyone, I know for me, if someone could have answered that question for me years back, I would have taken it in a heartbeat. I would argue that if someone is scared to make a certain move that isnt rude, they are scared that theyre going to blow up the deal. That answers everything regarding the Law of Attraction. Its probably okay. Im not going to take your money and run. Theres so much more to abundance thinking than scarcity thinking. Subconscious mind is doing a lot of heavy lifting. I can say that I really care for people. Andrew Kap is an entrepreneur, facilitator, and #1 best-selling author of the book, The Last Law of Attraction Book You'll Ever Need To Read. So, Im assuming that this is your first book. Very, very cool. I dont want to create confusion. Im going to do my best to give a short answer because its actually a long answer. How Many Chapters Should a Book Have? Somehow and someway, something is going on in your mind, whether its communicating with the universe and bringing it in or your subconscious mind is powerful that its a supercomputer. Not that it cant turn around anyone for anything else. So, it might be interesting to check that out. Most people hopefully have access to clean water. The strength of the force ( F) is proportional to the masses of the two. Its important to note that everyones got to make their own decisions. Youre thinking about it with good feelings. So, Ive structured it in the way where the book is enough. I went through a divorce. I knew that even then, in that state of motivation, that it was not sustainable. The universe finds that similar vibration and mirrors back the experiences, even the holograms of whats going to happen, which is a long-winded way of saying what you think about comes into your life. And is also ideally going to offer tech techniques or methods, which is really just a gratitude exercise, a visualization exercise, scripting, whatever it might be, thats user-friendly. Theres something to the cadence and the structure of your wording and the tonality of your voice when thats in the mix that people can feel on the other end. It was rough going. Its like, Andrew, isnt that the whole point? The Law of Attraction like you've never heard it before! Its a little pricey because Im so busy. So, it just reaffirms and reminds me of, when youre giving that value through the book, through your presentations, through everything, I dont care about how it comes back because I am at a point now where Im so confident it is coming back. Love the things you shared. I had this thought in my mind, That law of attraction thing worked whenever I did it. I am excited about where this episode is going to be able to take people and how its going to impact their businesses and their lives and elevate what they do and what they achieve. And theres no rules. And Ive always thought of the law of attraction as having that obvious spiritual element, which I am in agreement with, and have, I think all human beings have a deep need for that meaningful connection with God, a higher power, et cetera. We dont want something thats going to blow up anyway in our faces a month later. But then, I took the action of grinding it out, of writing it, of spitting it out on paper. He was making far less than he was when he had his job before. Youre not wrong. Sometimes its going to go full circle. Im grateful to you. I texted you because I was like, Oh my god. I felt that result came out of gratitude because I was able to think of different ways to ask questions of each of them that put them in different mindsets, place, and position so they could act in a way that was consistent with what they were trying to attract and not based on scarcity, because they had grandkids and all that stuff. I had three kids when I was doing it. Im tricky and strategic about this stuff. She knows her stuff. How many people wake up and have to say, Let me inhale. Something I will write more about in the future is the upcoming Gravity Bridge. I thought they can do it. Actually, my names Andrew Kaplan. Ive written a couple of other books pseudonymously. Even when things are bad, theres always something to appreciate. Yep. And your ego is like, Hey, Rob. Now you have three separate and distinctive parts of an egg that now three people can share and get value out of. So it is. I dont think because it was so materialistic and because it was telling you just to sit on your couch, but because people often interpret it in that way. When you see negotiation as a relationship, it sets you up for longer-term success overall. Five present things in the current deal that youre in, and then five things about your upcoming thing that youd like. And this is a song. You follow it the way you want to follow it. Blackwater Skies Astronomy & Astro-imaging from East of the Meridian Main Menu. Yeah. I think thats probably a good place for us to end. They were thinking about the lack of the job promotion. Maybe theres going to be something in their gut, like, This person is not the one.. I can do that again. That matters. Who better to have than the man who has the number one best-selling book in this category on the market? Or itll play on fears. So, tell me, give us some verses of your song, so to speak. There are thousands of books in this space, really, I think. I appreciate this stuff that youre doing because its so powerful. Not to be selfish or to sound egotistical. You can always add the other things in later. What happened? You can have somebody who is going to compost the shell or turn it into a piece of art. I know the importance of writing a book, obviously, its what my business is. Which means, I know if they get the program and they use it and they feel better, just as a social creature, this is a selfish thing that I noticed about myself, they are going to attribute some of their good feeling towards me. I know magic sounds so airy-fairy and so esoteric, call it whatever you want. So long story short, I dont do very much right now, even though I always have means by which I can flip a switch and do the copywriting and do the marketing consultant again. Im going to focus on us having a good conversation. And by the way, really quick. I didnt think much of it. I was reminded because you said it on the Gravity of the Cosmos program. People are like, How does it happen? If you look at us under a microscope, even though we look and feel solid, were vibrating. Some people like visualizing. Trust me. Action is required. So, a couple of things. So, weve got this list of past, present, future. So not only, depending on your beliefs, are you programming your subconscious mind or the universe, or both, to mirror and invite the successes for you, but youre also feeling good while youre doing it, and youre fueling it with stuff thats already happened in your life. It came through to the people receiving the communication and they saw it as valid. Once you know that you want or you think that you want something from somebody, your emotions are fully engaged. By being grateful and appreciating what you have, you invite more situations, circumstances, reasons, and excuses to continue to feel gratitude, which is another way of feeling good, which is another way of attracting more good. If you go to, thatll actually auto-forward to the Amazon listing. That was why I was asking. Hes right, it is. You need to agree with the terms to proceed, 253 N. San Gabriel Blvd., Unit B, Pasadena, CA 91107, United States, Teaching Sales Techniques Through Books featuring Brandon Bornancin, Getting New Clients with a Book featuring Chris Miles. Its doing exactly what its supposed to do. It was only years later where Im deciding, What do I want to do next in business? I made a decision, I need something to do where Im not going to be candid and Im not going to get bored. Blackwater Skies Astronomy & Astro-imaging from East of the Meridian Main Menu. But youre basically, through that visualization, through that gratitude, youre skipping over to the ego. But also, Ive been very intentional about creating an ecosystem of value, you might say. If they dont want to pull their wallets out, I have free content from my YouTube channel thats in support of the book and thats I feel pretty safe, and this isnt live anyway, so Im not going to waste, but I feel pretty safe that Andrew isnt going to be a boring guest or hes not going to care about delivering value. So, I think the book has done a great way of setting a precedent and setting an expectation, that my job isnt to set the expectation, its just to live up to it, because its already done that for me. Barry Taylor, who was a professor of mine when I was at Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, bought $200 worth of groceries one time for me and my daughters. So, its all like this web, again, ecosystem of value. When someone pisses me off, Im not putting that out there, even though it happens. Are you a consultant in this way? It sounds so philosophical and grand, but when youre really in service to your audience, the products that you come up with and the way you deliver on them, will be effortless. If someone says that their back hurts, I dont get a commission by saying, Hey, check out DDP yoga. Because its done great stuff for me, and I know it goes well. And heres the cool part. It looks to me, I didnt see any other books that you had written, or any books that youve written on Amazon. It keeps coming. Its almost like when we buy a car. I love it. Did the universe magically reach out and touch them? So, lets talk a little bit about the content itself. It makes an easier sell. I mean, you can get a hundred or a thousand, sometimes, sales and not get one review. My apologies to all of my amazing Harvard professors. Its clear what limited vision I have into your world. Its what Ive done personally. But thats the thing that knows your fears, uncertainties, and doubts. And then people say thats an overused term, but I dont care. You then write something about your future that youre grateful for. I do understand that when I designed this cover, it was with the understanding that people are scrolling through Amazon and its going to be really small. Theyve been pestering like, Youve got to get this guy. He got it and it was with his dream company. Now the ego, as I define it, only has one job in this world, and thats to keep you alive. One of my other favorite quotes from my martial arts instructor is, People are screwed because we are composed mostly of water and electricity. But I had a really bad year in 2008 that snapped me out of things and made me realize that all I really need to be is consistent with this. First 30 seconds, youd be like meh. Meaning, sit on your couch, visualize, experience gratitude, let those things go in. You can be grateful for one area of your life and will invite good things from other areas of life that you werent even focusing on. And theyre going to remember me for it. Heres the thing that I love about it. Its such an important distinction for people. Five of them are from your present. All of those things get jumbled together. So what I've actually got a WORLD EXCLUSIVE for you today. Im super pumped about where our conversation might go. Love it. Im projecting now. And then I send that message to my friend across the country. There is a social currency. But no ones going to believe it unless you actually demonstrate it. I realized, at least for me, this works if you work it and I was never the same after that. Simply being grateful for your car, your paycheck, and the food that youre eating will indirectly lead to that relationship that youve wanted, that you can now be grateful for as well. You can do it however it is that you want to do it. And I retained one client just because. Your email address will not be published. And then they lose their job, and then within a year, theyre making that money again. 90% of my life is gone. You and I talked a little bit when I was on your show about gratitude. No part of this document may be reproduced or transmitted in any form, by any means I knew this not even with our interview, but even in our interaction before our interview on my podcast. So, hes had a front row seat to me writing the book, publishing the book, all the five-star reviews piling in, all the sales piling in, all the emails, all this stuff. So, Im doing what I can to offer the content in a user-friendly, consistent, easy, just turnkey type of way. And from that relaxed space, I dont worry like, Oh, I better not say this thing because thats giving them too much and I better get something in return. I agree with that approach. Two thirds of that list is real. All right, well do a call. Whereas when you do the method for the sake of enjoying the method and basking in either the feelings or the images, or whatever it might be for your unique experience of enjoying that piece without worrying about how its going to come, when its going to come, why its going to come, youre indirectly opening that energy up for the thing to come. You cannot put them on a shelf and you cannot ignore them. Im probably more excited than you. And I got very few things. The thing that Ive seen, though I havent always loved, about law of attraction is the disconnection between the doing and the believing that Ive seen in some elements of the teaching. And if you give people the opportunity and express it the way you have, then youll get more referrals for your business than you are right now, for those that are listening. Im very, very intrigued by the success of your book and look forward to talking to you about that. Hearing you say that is so exciting. Its almost something like you just say gratitude and you pay lip service to it. You dont have to write it. If they reach out to me, Ill say, Okay, you dont need me. ^*-+aB\CNNfZi/qCY Y@[ytI\4['u%Gjf}u8Fiyi0Z|3EM)JFz[s_3&)KVhr/fh6Z?9hoMO'`3Dn "IAX}_$z'F,>Ty- 8lTgtGwF(C/@ramo`^-rpfC^,{ADHC[b4)GsJ=lci/g'3UN)~el3Y2gV'ulWk?0:XG! The exercise I got to do was focused on money and gratitude for different things. I remember when you told me and Im like, Thats so awesome. I remember thinking, I dont know what happened and how it happened but I know that Christine was basically pulling magic out of herself and sharing it with these two people, which was awesome. Yeah, no, I love that. He was right there. Andrew is the author of The Last Law of Attraction Book You'll Ever Need to Read, a number one bestselling book in its category that Forbes has recognized as one of the 21 books to read in 2021. They know whether they were thinking about the actual thing or not is because if theyre thinking about that promotion with frustration, impatience, uncertainty, doubt, and fear thats the lack of the promotion, not the promotion. But you dont need me, but Ill do this anyway. When the book sells 50,000 copies, Im putting it out there. If I give as much as I can and actually benefit people, Im not worried about the return. Theres a lot going on. It is on Audible. His attitude was, This is what the number is. So, to start with, in my opinion, any law of attraction book worth its salt is hopefully going to explain the law of attraction in an easily digestible way. In fact, I have my time of gratitude every single morning, my prayer time, my meditation. When I make that claim, its like, oh my God, I just said, Im going to do this. You could read it aloud. Within two weeks, I feel better, which is saying a lot with a broken heart. It allows you to be more observant because youre standing more in your power. Otherwise, you wouldnt be at that table, to begin with. by Andrew Kap. Andrew is the bestselling author of The Last Law of Attraction Book Youll Ever Need to Read. Its not a loss, because within a year I was at that financial goal, not really with their help, but I believe through my intention, through the energy I put out, through the investment that I put out there, I did reap the reward. Im a huge proponent of under promising and over-delivering. This isnt the right company. Now, he got a new job. Get somebody on your team that has those experience points that can help move you forward more readily and more successfully than if you tried to do it yourself. Andrew is the bestselling author of The Last Law of Attraction Book You'll Ever Need to Read. Im taking the Gravity of the Cosmosnow. << /Length 5 0 R /Filter /FlateDecode >> And oftentimes, I am thinking about the same things over and over and over again and feel this incredible gratitude for those things that have to do with my wife of 30 years, my children, the business that I have, the things that I enjoy, et cetera. Thats 2/3 of your list, and 2/3 of your list has happened already. So, tell me, why do you think it has taken off the way it has? And youve expressed that in a really cool way. Love it. It might be a thing where people dont realize, in my opinion, youre the expert and I defer to you, its going to lead to a healthier negotiation. So, love that. Right. Its already working.. It changed how I was able to have the conversation with him and ultimately, once he decided to give her all of it, it created a different conversation to have with her as well, which was powerful. Thats the lack of the result. The way I interpreted it is its not just confidence, its a relaxed confidence. We understand burnout. Hmm. If Im understanding correctly, the thing that you have against the win-win is a lot of times, people are hiding behind a false narrative where they dont even care about people getting their own unique wins. So maybe the first thing is a present, followed by a future, followed by a past, followed by who knows what. These days, if youre going to glean value, those are the two best resources, so I like to make it nice and simple for people. We are reaching for the positive, where youre seeing the positive, and youre being more resourceful. 11:54 The . document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); Helping Leaders Inspire Teams with a Book featuring Randy Ross, Transforming a Business Through Behavioral Change featuring Sean Doyle, Helping People Through the Invention Process Using a Book featuring Ron Richard. And right in the middle, weve got the ego. Good to have you here. My long-winded answer is this is about understanding are you engaging in a way with enthusiasm and confidence and feeling good or are you frustrated? Theyd write everything in the present tense, and then they jumble up the order of that list. These are things that we gloss over when were under stress. Whether youre negotiating internally with yourself or externally with other parties, how you show up determines the kind of success that the universe will allow you to manifest. You werent saying this with gritted teeth. Lets talk a little bit about gratitude because you do a lot of work in gratitude. Im giving someone an example. And by the way, it could be inside your head. In other words, I believe that a huge part of this is the universe, energy, and vibration. When a fascinating chaos has been observed enough to reveal patterns that allow prediction, the human mind is ready to ask, "Why?" So it is with the cosmos. Meaning, you could write it on a piece of paper and then just order it in how youre going to read it. Youve done four days. Everything across the board keeps getting better and better and better. All right. But 90 seconds, 120 seconds. Its all in the present tense. Thank you so much. Andrew knows because I texted him one day, and I was like, I feel like Im doing this all wrong. He was gracious and got on the phone with me to help me realize that wasnt the case. Andrew Kap holds one goal above all others through his various projects: Genuine and Sustainable Impact. We think thoughts, and those thoughts vibrate (remember, everything is energy -- and energy vibrates). ' That was not the strength of the book. His film work includes co-writing and co-directing Pixar's A Bug's Life (1998), directing Finding Nemo (2003) and the sequel Finding Dory (2016), WALL-E (2008), and the live-action film, Disney's John Carter (2012), and co-writing all four Toy Story films (1995-2019 . Its going to influence your future absolutely, so do it now. By implementing joy and by finding reasons to feel joy, youre inviting it more. Even though I can, I can flip the switch whenever I want to. When you can do that, people will talk about you. The Thunder of Gravity in the Cosmos. Well, your book was launched, not quite two years ago, November of 2019. Theres a recognition that things arent perfect, but what you want to do strategically is be more grateful and put more focus on the good. He took a job with his dream company but he took a massive pay cut. Andrew Kap, The Last Law of Attraction Book You'll Ever Need To Read: The Missing Key To Finally Tapping Into The Universe And Manifesting Your Desires 1 likes Like "We're all "magnets." And what we focus on is magnetized to us. And its a simple gratitude process where youre going to write down 15 things that youre grateful for. Within four months, Im making more money than at any point in life before then. And he does the same thing for me. Its called the time-lapse method. Yeah. And I do want to speak to what you said, because you articulated better than me about titles and covers. One was the time lapse. This is the fine line that we walk, this is the high wire act.

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andrew kap gravity of the cosmos