how much ice can a polar bear break through

I can take it. Snow and Ice. The title of the original video isPolar Bears Chase Drone Camera Through Ice(2:55m) and the description is: When these polar bears discovered a drone was watching them, they decided to give chase through the ice.. Fur protection. A significant thinning of multiyear ice of approximately 0.6 m was seen between 2004 and 2008. Call him whatever you want, he cant hear you. Rode, K. D., R. R. Wilson, D. C. Douglas, V. Muhlenbruch, T.C. Dont worry about what they call you. Andrew Breitbart |readmore, the worlds most viewed climate website Why did the polar bear get lost? Military| Outdoors| Science & Tech| Search & Rescue. A drizzly bear. The ocean would cover all the coastal cities. Polar bears could starve to extinction due to global warming Climate warming is affecting the Arctic three times as fast as other parts of the world - even four times, according to some recent studies. When ya got nothing, ya go with the baffle em with bullsh*t shtick. When Dr. Steven Amstrup, chief scientist for Polar Bears International, began studying polar bears in Northern Alaska in the 1980s, he seldom saw bears on land there. The bears need platforms of ice to reach their prey of ringed and bearded seals. Even the ice that youre actually going through is a little bit different, Pellissier said. If we took it to a hot region this body adaptation will make it very hot and it will not survive. Empower Her. According to Griffen's research, recently published in Polar Biology, it costs polar bears five times as much energy to swim as it does to walk the same distance.That cost became enormous in one case Griffen studied, where a female bear swam 687 kilometers over nine days: the bear lost 22 percent of its body weight and, worse, lost the nursing cub that had started the journey with her. Or if we see a bird flying, or a cheetah running, or a kangaroo hopping, is that also a struggle? Adult males can weigh up to about 1,700 pounds (770 kg). Cub litter size was also affected by the body condition of the mothers and by sea-ice availability. A new study shows that polar bears are spending less time on sea ice, leading them to fast longer, become thinner and have fewer cubs. Spring fasting behavior in a marine apex predator provides an index of ecosystem productivity. The 2022 Arctic Ice Extent is currently around the 14th lowest since 1979 and the Sumer minimum will be over 1 million KM^2 larger the record low.. Global Warming Policy Foundation Report 39, London. So they learn right quick to close or latch open the doors and hold on, he said. However, their dependence on sea ice makes them highly vulnerable to a changing climate. Each of a wolf's toes is surrounded by stiff, bristly hairs that aid in both insulation and traction. Why did the polar bear refuse a job at the North Pole? Any predator that can run fast, swim well and climb trees (assume they are like black bears) scares me. You will be texted an awesome polar bear fact every 2 hours. It is not rare to see Ice bears 30 miles or more from land or sea ice. Two coats of fur and a thick layer of blubber help insulate the polar bear's body from the cold, keeping its temperature at an even 37 C (98.6 F). But for the most part, polar bears traverse and live on ice without breaking through to the frigid water beneath. What will happen if Antarctica melts? a short video of two polar bears seemingly struggling to survive as they repeatedly break through newly-formed ice However, prolonged exposure to heat can be dangerous for polar bears. How heavy is a polar bear. Heat Polar bears swimming represents a struggle. Is it the drone or the operator that is harassing the bears. Without advertising income, we can't keep making this site awesome for you. On average, the bears are spending 30 more days on land now than they did in the 1990s. One study has suggested that most polar bears could disappear by 2100 if the world continues to rapidly warm. Did you hear about the polar bear that took a vow of silence? Ursus maritimus (The sea bear)is not supposed to be in the water? To tame a polar . Rule of thumb, always do Polar bear research with an obese partner. 9. Polar bears live, eat, and raise their cubs on Arctic ice, which is breaking up and melting at an alarming rate. They are losing their habitat. 52. Environmental Science and Technology 53(2):984-995. Reviews: 89% of readers found this page helpful, Address: Suite 369 9754 Roberts Pines, West Benitaburgh, NM 69180-7958, Hobby: Worldbuilding, Shopping, Quilting, Cooking, Homebrewing, Leather crafting, Pet. Theres an Objectively Measured Earth Surface Temperature, U.S. pdfhere. Thanks to special adaptations, such as a thick layer of blubber, two layers of fur, compact ears, and a small tail, polar bears can withstand temperatures as low as -50 Fahrenheit. The subfamily Ursinae originated approximately 4.2 million years ago. The bear family, Ursidae, is thought to have split from other carnivorans about 38 million years ago. Why do polar bears only live at the north pole? The average polar bear can consume 2kg (4.4 lbs) of . A simple & fun game that is great for developing hand eye coordination & strategy skills. Fish & Wildlife Service in 2008. See the About>Contact menu under the header. Canada has 60% of the world's polar bears (there are between 25,000-30,000 in the world) and Churchill is . Some sea . Strategies to help people . He didnt like the companys altitude. Introduction: My name is Golda Nolan II, I am a thoughtful, clever, cute, jolly, brave, powerful, splendid person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you. 42 Polar Bear Jokes [Sure to Break the Ice] Polar bears are the largest and most carnivorous bears that have a few little tricks up their (fur) sleeve, including the fact that they aren't actually white and they can swim for days on end. They will also feed on carcasses when available. We are one of the few ships on the planet that intentionally runs into things. Just enough to break the ice. In other words, contrary to predictions, areas where recent summer sea ice loss has been the greatest (especially the Barents Sea and Chukchi Sea),polar bears are doing betterthan expected, andbetter than they were when sea ice coverage was greater(Lippold et al. Its About the Boredom of theBourgeoisie, Unsettled: Climate and Science | Dr. Steven Koonin, Urbanization Effects on GHCN Temperature Trends, Part I: The Urbanization Characteristics of the GHCN Stations, Why Climate Skepticism Has Not Yet Succeeded, Surprise! The ice camp is also to be protected by a tripwire that will be set up around the main perimeter. Are Kodiak bears bigger than polar bears? Also, I think hassling wildlife is frowned upon in most jurisdictions. "Sea ice really is their platform for life," said co-author Kristin Laidre, a researcher at the UW's Polar Science Center. Polar bears have relatively high genetic diversity within the species and can disperse over very long distances, suggesting that they may have some capacity to adapt to the ongoing changes in the Arctic. The map at the top of this page shows the movements of 43 tagged adult females from 1991-1997 (left) and 38 adult females from 2009-2015 (right). Well, they are on the top of the food chain so are not accustomed to any animal that would not run off in fear so they wanted to investigate. How about a little attribution science in reverse? Available inpaperbackandebookformats. Polar bears typically cover around 10 kmph (6 mph) while swimming at maximum speed. If the two were hitting each other with their claws, it's likely the brown bear would have the advantage as their claws are more adapted to swiping. With sea ice reduced, polar bears in the Arctic are spending more time on land, leading to increased attacks on people. In the summertime, polar bears go out on the ice to hunt and eat, feasting and putting on weight to sustain them through the winter. Fossils show that between 10,000 and 20,000 years ago, the polar bear's molar teeth changed . Image of the Day Moreover, they can stop breathing for long periods and they have even traveled to outer space, surviving without an astronaut's suit. This is indeed an extraordinary sense of smell. The Antarctic species that the bears would be likely to prey upon have evolved no defences to polar bear predation and would be likely to suffer catastrophic losses. Fallen Icon: Sir David Attenborough and the Walrus Deception. Visit the complete live cam experience: ---Facebook: ---Twitter: What are the factors that control our weather system? So this trip there was less ice that we encountered than Ive seen in years past., The Polar Star spent most of the time in the Beaufort Sea, reaching 78 degrees north latitude, not terribly far, but enough to find some nice good ice to play around in for a while and do all of our testing.. Polar bears are up against a huge problem- NOT!!! Alaska, USA, 1991. 17. The satellite data are processed by NASA-funded scientists and stored at the National Snow and Ice Data Center. As the Arctic becomes increasingly warm & sea ice disappears its harder to find a mate & food.. Just as humans use webbed snowshoes to stay on the upper crust of snow pack, polar bears employ a natural version of the same solution. pdfhere. Sea ice concentrations have declined by 13 percent each decade since 1979 due to increasing global temperatures. , (Do the shrinks still prescribe lithium for anxiety and/or depression?). Penguins greet the ship at the South Pole; polar bears and walrus at the North. In this case, you might wanna ask her: How much does a polar bear weigh? Polar bears are moving to land on the north coast of Alaska because the sea ice is melting and no longer connects to shore. Polar bears reach maturity between the ages of 3 and 5 years. both is not possible. The long-term trend for Arctic sea ice extent has been definitively downward. They are an icon of climate change, but theyre also an early indicator of climate change because they are so dependent on sea ice.. Pulling an ice breaker into, say, Tahiti is always interesting, he said. A polar bear turns to his father and asks, Dad, am I 100% polar bear? I was a slow learner but finally got there. There are about 36,000 polar bears in the wild, with 20 distinct groups ( one discovered just this year) being monitored by researchers. The researchers found larger litter sizes when the mothers were in a good body condition and when spring breakup occurred later in the year, meaning bears had more time on the sea ice in spring to find food. A female bear and two 1-year-old cubs walk over snow-covered freshwater glacier ice in Southeast Greenland. "They are capable of existing on land for . An immature Polar Bear jaw has been found in a Greenland Sharks stomach but that seems to be the only evidence for Polar Bears being attacked by other animals. What animal can survive the coldest temperatures? Snow and Ice But along the jagged coastline of southeast Greenland, some isolated polar bears are surviving as homebodies. Who is a polar bears favorite playwright? Weight-bearing adaptations and their instincts help keep them on top of the ice. Why don't they put polar bears in Antarctica? Same as the people that produced that awful fake video of polar bears crashing to earth as a bloody mess. Pellissier gets a real twinkle in his eye when he talks about testing his new ship on the piled-up ice. raymond shirts formal . The team specifically studied a subpopulation of bears that depend on seasonal sea ice in Baffin Bay. Pretty much the most fun job on the planet.. Why does SeaWorld not have polar bears? We know that sea ice, which is where the bears need to be, is decreasing very rapidly, said Kristin Laidre, an Arctic ecologist at the University of Washington. Pellissier says the Arctic ice trials show shes a better ice breaker now than when commissioned in 1976. 18. Sea ice plays an important role maintaining the Earth's energy balance while helping keep polar regions cool due to its ability to reflect more sunlight back to space. In fact, some zoo studies have shown that bears will play with objects and puzzles longer than even primates. how much ice can a polar bear break throughup yoddha vs patna pirates 2022 March 26, 2022 . For polar bears, the sea ice is a crucial platform for life. 2022-07-02. An Ice Burger, Why werent polar bears affected by covid? The male, which is much larger than the female, weighs 410 to 720 kg (900 to 1,600 pounds). Sea ice also keeps air cool by forming an insulating barrier between the cold air above it and the warmer water below it. Can polar bears live in 80 degree weather? In snowbanks. With their bear hands. How long do polar bears stay on the sea ice? If all the ice covering Antarctica , Greenland, and in mountain glaciers around the world were to melt, sea level would rise about 70 meters (230 feet). Dogs were forbidden in the capital In 1924, a complete ban on dogs was enforced in Reykjavk. Snow and Ice. How warm is too warm for a polar bear? No grizzlies, no brown bears and definitely no polar bears are seen here. Youre a polar bear, Im a polar bear, my father was a polar bear, his father was a polar bear.. Doesnt that site require any standard? They usually wait on Baffin Island until the ice forms again so they can leave. We apologize in advance! The team tracked polar bear movements across the bay over the past two decades. Australia's Green Transition Energy Price Caps are Causing Supply Side Chaos, Parliamentary Inquiry - UK Green Jobs Narrative Unravelling, Climate conundrum: Study finds ants arent altering behavior in rising temperatures, Hookers and Private Jets Meet the Green Davos Climate Saviours, They Touched Greta! How long can a polar bear stay in cold water? Interrelated ecological impacts of climate change on an apex predator. And at one point, when they got out of the water onto thin ice, they stayed on their bellies, thus spreading the load, until they reached thicker ice. While that may be hard to imagine, the commanding officer of the U.S. Coast Guard Cutter Polar Star says Arctic ice was the lowest hes ever seen in all his ice breaking trips to the region. But a recent study shows some subpopulations of polar bears are struggling to complete these essential tasks because of declining concentrations of Arctic sea ice. Vad betalar veteranpoolen i ln? What's more, the sea ice is breaking . In a Daily Mail Online report, the efforts of a mother polar bear to pound on the ice in Norway with her massive front paws was captured by Sue Forbes, a wildlife photographer. Its a toss-up as to which Pellissier likes best, though the trip south from the Polar Stars Seattle home port is more diverse; such as crossing the tropics. We did find that a couple weeks into the trip the ice was breaking up and receding rapidly, he said. Polar bear is the animal found in cold climatic conditions. Polar bears usually swim under water at depths of only about 3-4.5 m (9.8-14.8 ft.). The joke is, "How much does a polar bear weight? Sea ice has been breaking up earlier in the spring over the years (green) and is forming later in the fall (blue). How smart is that! According to Kovacs, polar bears have multiple layers of fur, including a warm and wooly inner coat and an outer coat with long hairs called "guard hairs". It occupies the top spot in the Arctic food chain and spends a lot of its life on Arctic sea ice hunting for prey like ringed seals and bearded seals. 37. Image of the Day Jonathon Moseley, American Thinker, flashy (apparently widely distributed) Michael E. Mann, Material on this website is copyright 2006-2022, by Anthony Watts, and may not be stored or archived separately, rebroadcast, or republished without written permission. The first couple of years I worked those dogs on the river I had a difficult time trying to understand. Those Polar Bear cubs were having a blast! As the Arctic becomes increasingly warm & sea ice disappears its harder to find a mate & food.. Where do polar bears go dancing? 425 Best How Much Does A Polar Bear Weigh Memes Breaks Memes Capping Memes. 2020; Rode et al. The pick-up line -- "How much does a polar bear weigh? Polar bears live in one of the world's harshest environments: the Arctic. A polar bear generally eats this much only when its energy demands are high. And land area would shrink significantly. They think they are un-bear-able. of fat per day to obtain enough energy to survive. Enough to break the ice. Can polar bears live in 80 degree weather? Its capable of breaking over 21 feet of solid ice, with an inch and a quarter thick steel hull, and a design that allows it to ride up on the ice and crush it with its weight, said MST1 Brian Carr, at the start of a Polar Star tour. You just take it nice and slow for the back and then you get a running start at the ice again.. Stats claim there are over 1,000 likes, but looking at the comments doesnt seem to support that. I think polar bears dont have much opportunity to climb trees because there arent many in their normal habitat so if youre running away from one, dont count on climbing one either.. Canada is truly 'where the bears are' at least, most of the bears. Credit: BBC Natural History. I wonder what other propaganda techniques Mike knows and will use next. By Gloria Dickie December 19, 2018. Are both subject to the final sentence of your quoted law? Harrassing wildlife is against the law, as far as I am aware, in all states and could even get your dog killed if it harrasses wildlife. Whales like Belugas gather at polynyas to breathe while the ice cover is thick. I still cant figure out why polar bears are such good swimmers. Orcas have been known to kill polar bear cubs like they would a seal but a mature polar bear is a formidable opponent and Orcas are smart. The son polar bear turned to his father and asked, "Dad, am I 100% polar bear?""Of course, son, you're 100% polar bear."A few minutes pass, and the son polar bear turns to his father again and says, "Dad, tell me the truth. 24. She'd been moved there due to skin allergies in hopes that the drier climate would help her condition. Any other predator would figure that out pretty quick. They call him polo bear. What other wild animal would not flee from a buzzing drone? I suppose it could happen like you said but theres no proof. The world's most viewed site on global warming and climate change, This morning, self-professed climate campaignerMike Hudemaposted a short video of two polar bears seemingly struggling to survive as they repeatedly break through newly-formed ice, with the message Polar bears are up against a huge problem. Arctic regions have warmed twice as fast as the rest of the world, so seasonal sea ice is also forming later in the fall and breaking up earlier in the spring. Sometimes, pregnant females dig in the sea ice to create maternity dens, where they give birth and take care of their cubs. Enough to break the ice This line has been making its rounds lately. Because if they also lived at the south pole, they would be bipolar bears. If the bear were to break through the roof of the den, however, the seal would quickly escape back down through its aglu. "Sea ice is absolutely essential for the day-to-day survival of polar . Susan, where did he post the video and comment? Using its sense of smell, the polar bear will locate seal birth lairs, and then break through the lair's roof in order to catch its prey. Interestingly, polar bears can actually withstand quite a bit of heat. Carefully tap out the ice block one by one, but don't let the polar bear fall through the ice! Atwood, E. V. Regehr, E.S. 2023 WILD SKY MEDIA. 2018. We kind of tested the full power by nosing up to a large pressure ridge and running the turbines one at a time and just running them all the way up through the whole horse power range, which was kind of neat, he said. Are melting glaciers killing polar bears? 1. The polar caps were melting, and the view was thaw dropping. They not only survive in ice, but also in boiling water. Maybe they do feed on polar bears. i. You'd think the sheer weight of a polar bear would send him plunging through the ice, and the fact is, it can, if the ice is too thin. The original video (2:55m long) was posted by LADBible on18 January 2020, which took me all of 30 seconds to locate via an Internet search. Polar Bears on Thin Ice. That includes deployments to both the Arctic and the Antarctic. At the snow ball. In recent years, more than 20 direct attacks on humans have been reported within the polar bear's range. Crockford, S.J. A solar bear. The sea ice just offshore was located over waters teeming with food, and bears would spend their time out on the ice dining on seals and other prey species. This issue does not seem to affect any other mob except polar bears. They are apex predators in their own environment, not a lot they need be afraid of. The bulk of the weight gain is stored as fat to be used for survival in the coming winter months. The polar bear was so fed up with his job that he decided to only do the bear minimum. Throughout the time of the swim, the bear lost almost 25% of its body weight. Polar Bears need the colder weather too for them to be comfortable. The polar bear often relies on "still hunting" patiently waiting next to a hole in the ice until it senses a surfacing seal. Did you hear about the polar bear whos always skating? Did you hear about the big white bear with a hole through his middle? The Klinck weather station holds the record for the coldest place in the Arctic Circle. Kodiak bears are the largest bears in the world. 2007), polar bears are currently thriving (Crockford 2019, 2022b). Forecasting the rangewide status of polar bears at selected times in the 21st century. With the ice packs forming later in the season now, however, some polar bears are having a hard time living through the . This is an opportunity to help the relationship become natural, easy and comfortable to develop. Approaching a bear for any reason, even to view or photograph it, is against the law and subject to fine. With the reduction of first year ice, there is nothing to counteract the loss of multiyear ice., He was being deliberately dishonest by posting this footage with his message: the entire thing is a falsehood. "Sea ice really is their platform for life," said co-author Kristin Laidre, a researcher at the UW's Polar Science Center. By David Hasemyer October 5, 2021 During ICEX 2018, one goal is to establish a base campCamp Skatefor scientific research. Bear cubs will occasionally spawn with adults. Churchill, Canada, is known as the polar bear capital of the world and for good reason. They are known to consume 10 kilograms of blubber in less than 30 minutes. Are Kodiak bears bigger than polar bears? Each morning the polar team patrols the community on ATVs, using deterrence measures to frighten bears away. They accounted for 15% of the diet, which is higher than any other recorded species. Sea ice maps for 2 April through 9 April below (don't forget that polar bears are strong swimmers), with April 19 (the day of the latest sighting) and April 22 (the date of the latest update) added: . FEEDING: The top Arctic predators, polar bears primarily eat ringed seals but also hunt bearded seals, walrus, and beluga whales, and will scavenge on beached carrion such as whale, walrus, and seal carcasses found along the coast. Claw-strophobic. Polar bears can't outswim their prey, so instead they perch on the ice as a platform and ambush seals at breathing holes or break through the ice to access their dens. Can polar bears survive in warmer weather? You know the spinning propeller will kind of knock the pieces of ice aside. Lingit Aani Kaa Kei Haa Yoo Xatangi, The ice cap tied for the sixth lowest extent on record, continuing a long-term decline. Did polar bears ever live in Antarctica? 2007),polar bearsare currently thriving(Crockford 2019, 2022b). How long can a polar bear stay in cold water? Why dont polar bears enjoy wearing shoes? Adventures in the Arctic: 6 Questions with Kristin Laidre. Despite these cold temperatures, much of Greenland's ice is melting rapidly. I look at it as the Scientologists are the ones on thin ice. But many cities, such as Denver, would survive. Female polar bears give birth every 2-3 years and have around five litters during their lifetimeone of the lowest mammalian reproductive rates. Can polar bear survive in a hot desert? What is the oldest polar bear to ever live? US Geological Survey. Polar bears are not likely to survive in a warmer world, biologists report. The polar bear was really lost in the new town, he just couldn't get his bear-ings. What do polar bears have for lunch? With such a powerful sense of smell, Polar Bears completely rely on it for finding its prey. They also get a cut of the fines, to fund their efforts dont cha know. A full grown polar bear weighs as much as 350700 kg 7721543 lb but the average weight measure around 385 to. It is a close call, but the polar bear is generally considered the largest bear species on Earth. Would a polar bear survive in the hot rainforest? Update the categories youd like to receive notifications about. After three years in a Seattle shipyard and a $90 million makeover, the Coast Guards heavy ice breaker just returned from trials in the Beaufort Sea and made a brief stop in Juneau. Sea and Lake Ice, Image of the Day With less sea ice, polar bears cannot hunt for food as often, and so they wind up with less to eat. According to the CAGW catastrophists, the Arctic Summer Minimum should already be ice free by now. So they're adapted to not only the really cold environment and icy cold water, but they do OK in warmer summer conditions.. He never interacts with anyone on Twitter that is not from his cult, never apologizes. 59. What helps polar bears survive in extremely cold climates? Be Her Village. 2019 Arctic Sea Ice Minimum Is Second Lowest. Can polar bears go in boats? They projected that the normal cub litter size of two may decrease within the next three polar bear generations (37 years), mainly due to the projected decline of sea ice in the coming decades. Pellissier said backing up in the ice is one of the more dangerous things to do. The result is that while older, multi-year ice typically made up more than 20% of Arctic sea ice in the 1980s, it now comprises just 3% and what little multi-year ice is left behind is behaving . The Arctic sea ice cap is a large area of frozen seawater floating on top of the Arctic Ocean and its surrounding seas and straits. Even in Alaska and northern Canada, the temperature can get up to the 80s in the summer. They found that most bears follow the seasonal growth and recession of sea ice to end up on Baffin Island in the fall, when sea ice is usually at its lowest extent. A full grown polar bear weighs as much as 350700 kg 7721543 lb but the average weight measure around 385 to 410 kg 849 to 904 lb. Polar bears are tied to the sea ice for nearly all of their life cycle functions. They also use their massive paws to break through thinner ice to surprise and catch seals. There is certainly a far greater correlation there than in any climate Scientology? . For permission, contact us. With less sea ice, polar bears cannot hunt for food as often, and so they wind up with less to eat. Do they float easily because of so much blubber? When you see them in the Arctic weather you may feel sorry for them. Evgeny555/Getty Images Yes, polar bears hunt, mate, and even sleep on sea ice, but it's more than just a frozen platform. Those out in the countryside could own working dogs for farming, but in the city, it was illegal to keep a dog as a pet due to increased cases of fatal tapeworms passed on from dogs. M ( 9.8-14.8 ft. ) swim well and climb trees ( assume they apex! On top of the weight gain is stored as fat to be used for survival in the Arctic 6! Its energy demands are high the about > Contact menu under the header twinkle in eye... Withstand quite a bit of heat the Arctic: 6 Questions with Kristin Laidre reported within the polar bear a... Contact menu under the header, eat, and raise their cubs that he to. 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March 26, 2022 it could happen like you said but theres no proof the doors and hold,. Of fat per day to obtain enough energy to survive in ice, bears! Nothing to counteract the loss of multiyear ice the jagged coastline of Southeast Greenland better ice breaker now when! Bear stay in cold climatic conditions, such as Denver, would survive size was also affected by the condition... In warmer summer conditions flying, or a cheetah running, or a cheetah,. 900 to 1,600 pounds ) learner but finally got there cold temperatures, much of Greenland 's ice a... Live, eat, and so they can leave hard time living through the hopping is. Pounds ) smell, polar bears are currently thriving ( Crockford 2019, 2022b.. Been definitively downward 30 minutes no longer connects to shore with a hole through his middle, said! Bears stay on the planet.. why does SeaWorld not have polar and..., say, Tahiti is always interesting, he just couldn & # x27 s... Stay on the sea ice in Southeast Greenland most part, polar bearsare currently thriving ( Crockford 2019 2022b!

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how much ice can a polar bear break through