

JobStash is a free job aggregator specifically designed for the rapidly evolving crypto space. The project is still in the development.

The platform is fully independent, bootstrapped, and supports open-source DeFi protocols, networks, and other off-chain infrastructures in need of technical staff.


UI/UX design with primary focus to

Team Size

5 developers + me. Self directed, with feedback from peers


UI/UX Designer (Visual Design, Interaction Design, User Testing)


Figma, Linear, Notion, Octopus, Notion, Adobe Photoshop, Illustator, After Effects


5 months ranging from part-time to full-time

tldr about jobstash


I joined the project after the user research, market analysis, card sorting, and the very first draft of initial wireframes were completed. I immediately focused on prototyping, creating a UI library, and developing the brand. After creating the wireframes, I conducted several usability and user tests to ensure that the website’s functionalities and user experience were optimal.


As a solo designer, time constraints limited the amount of testing I could perform, and the wireframes required frequent updates. Nonetheless, I strived to maintain a high level of quality and ensure that the final product met the project’s objectives.

Problems Product Solves

  • Fragmented job market due to misaligned monetary incentives for publishing job ads, similar to liquidity fragmentation across various L1s/L2s.

  • External recruitment agencies not acting in the best interest of candidates or organizations, leading to suboptimal matchmaking.

  • Limited access to detailed information about crypto job opportunities due to information gatekeeping.

  • Difficulty in identifying the most relevant and high-potential job openings in a rapidly evolving space.

sitemap of jobstash

Proposed Solutions

    • A free, fully automated and unbiased platform that aggregates job listings from reputable crypto organizations.

    • Innovative condensation of job ads into information-dense, optimally formatted job-ads.

    • Providing detailed data about job opportunities to individual candidates.

    • Offering analytics and research to gain insights into the general crypto job market.

Validating Features

After conducting initial qualitative research, we found that the best leads often come from referrals of high-performing individuals rather than just someone you know. –  “Best leads are often referrals. I don’t mean the ‘I know that person’ but more ‘that person is great.” To implement this insight, we brainstormed different solutions and landed on the idea of choosing a favorite colleague from a limited list of contributors imported from the user’s GitHub account, ensuring that they have worked together. We incorporated this feature into our high-fidelity prototype and tested it with users. However, the response was mixed, with some users questioning its validity and suggesting it was not a true recommendation, similar to LinkedIn. – “You cannot verify that, it’s not a recommendation. It’s like LinkedIn.” After further discussion, we recognized that it may feel unnatural for users to suggest another candidate when looking for a job. Therefore, we have decided to eliminate this feature for now, until we can find a way to present it more clearly and avoid confusion.

Additional Takeaways

Following our user testing, we have identified potential areas for improvement in the platform. Respondants were pleased to see comparison of financials for each of the Organizations. Nevertheless, the innitial design had a simplified way of showing the total amount of funding received. It was recommended to provide a more detailed breakdown of funding received on each round for a more comprehensive overview.


organization view

The site is still in development, but you can take a look at it at: